The Castlewood Trilogy: Regency Romance and Homeopathy Remedies and true love!
Lucille Locklin
Jan 21
1 min read
Magical, Beautiful Snow
Even if slushy streets, missed engagements, and higher heating bills annoy, you must admit that snow is the prettiest thing about Winter. I took all the photos you see here a few years ago in the Greensboro Arboretum, one of my favorite places to take walks. I hope we get at least one good snowstorm in North Carolina this year. Even Texas got more snow than we've gotten! My memories and photographs will have to suffice until Old Man Winter grants my wish.
There are 30 remedies under the symptom, "Dreams; Snow" in the Complete Repertory 2023 (a homeopathic book of symptoms). Looking at repetitive dreams is one way that a homeopath can hone in on a remedy for someone. A good homeopath will not recommend a remedy based on that one symptom, but it can be a solid clue if the dream is repetitive and other symptoms match.
Please write to me if you want to share your favorite thing about Winter. I'd love to hear from you! And if you want a fun read on a wintry day in front of a crackling fire, try one of the Castlewood books!